How to improve the SEO positioning of my website

 We can define SEO positioning as the series of techniques that allow our website to be easily found by our potential clients or users to search for our services through the Internet, through search engines or what is the same, in Google .

Without a doubt, SEO positioning is the most powerful weapon that exists within online marketing tools.

When we have a business and we want our potential clients to find us, our greatest concern is to get them to find us when they search for our services. More and more everyone is aware of the importance of being on Google. Today if you are not in Google you do not exist. This logically assumes that competition is increasing, so our efforts must be greater and greater.

Here we offer you the best tips and actions to optimize your WordPress internally and improve your search engine rankings efficiently and immediately.

Within Search Engine Optimization for web pages we can differentiate two important aspects: SEO on Page and SEO Off Page

SEO on Page refers to all those internal aspects of our website that we can voluntarily manage, correct or improve, such as content optimization or technical improvements.

SEO Off Page refers to the aspects that influence our search results but involuntarily, that is, they do not depend only on us and therefore are beyond our control, such as the reputation or popularity of our brand or the achievement of mentions or links from other websites.

Both fundamental parts go hand in hand and cannot do without each other, since Google will visit our website more frequently as we have better links, but we will not appear in their search results if we do not have enough content and well optimized.

What can we do to position our website with SEO on Page?

Know what Google knows about your website

If you open a new tab in the browser and type the command "site:" and then the name of your domain (something like: "site:"), you will be able to see everything that Google knows about your website. You will see the number of pages it has recorded in its index, and most importantly, how it has them indexed and how it will offer them in the search results in terms of Titles, URLs and meta descriptions.

With SEO it is better to have less content and very good and well optimized, than to have many pages indexed but that do not add any value, because each URL on your website has a note for Google, so if the content is not from interest, Google will lower the score of your website.

Optimize keywords in titles and tags

The first thing we must do to undertake a good positioning is to be clear about the search terms for which you want to appear on Google . That is to say the famous keywords.

These terms, that is, these keywords that you are going to have to enter on your website because, if you don't, you will never appear in the search results for those terms.

Keyword strategy is a must-have job. Each page on your website, each entry on your blog or each product in your online store must be based on different keywords, because it is about positioning each URL on your website for a specific search.

Once we are clear about what our keywords are, we must enter them in the content, but we must also include them in the code, for that I recommend using the Yoast SEO plugin, which will help you optimize the use of keywords, but basically you must write them in the SEO Title, in the URL, in the ALT tags of the images, in the first paragraph, and in some Title 2.

Avoid sparse and duplicate content

As you may have heard, Google does penalize sparse and duplicate content . There are many websites where you can check if they are copying you or if you have copied others, such as or

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is copying yourself, a typical mistake made by online stores that repeat product descriptions.

It is often said that Google allows us to have up to 20% duplicate content on a page, because there are terms that we will inevitably have to repeat. But if we go overboard, we'd be digging our own grave.

Nor are we going to position a specific page in Google if we have little content on that page. It is estimated that for Google not to skip a page, it must contain at least 300 words.

Submit Sitemap to Search Console

A sitemap or website map is an XTML document that is sent to search engines. This document allows search engines to have a complete list of the pages that make up a website.

We can create it automatically with a plugin, but then we will also have to tell Google where that sitemap of our website is located.

For this, it is best to access the Search Console website, and in the Sitemaps section, indicate the URL of ours that indicates the plugin that we have used.

Optimize internal Linkjuice

Each URL on your website will have a note facing Google over time, and all the links that come out of said URL will transmit and give away part of that note to the destination urls: we call that transmission the “Linkjuice”.

Therefore, the most linked pages on your website are the ones that will receive the most Link Juice and will end up having more importance within your website and more points in the Positioning competition.

Think about which are the most important pages and think well how to link them from other secondary pages.

Optimize download speed according to Google

How long can you wait for a page to download in your browser?

Well, Google has no patience either.

He always thinks of offering the best service to the end user, and making him wait too long means that the user will have a bad browsing experience.

To measure the download speed you have many websites such as or, but if what you want is to position y

ourself in Google, it is best to do it with your own tool, since it is the closest way to know what you think Google on the speed of your website.

Correct the download speed of your website as soon as possible. The main culprits are the images, the Theme and the Hosting.

As a short-term solution, you can optimize the images with a plugin like, install a cache plugin like Super Cache or W3 Total Caché, and talk to your hosting to increase your resources.

The importance of residence time

Another of the most important data is the average time that visits last on your website. There is no established value in terms of the minimum recommended residence time, but it is clear that the longer a user lasts, the better.

Content is King , and if your content is good, original, interesting, and useful, the permanence time will be longer.

However, there are tricks that allow you to increase it even more, such as including videos, which you can integrate simply by linking a YouTube video, for example.

Other tricks would be to include more internal links to other URLs on your website, or to add a section of related articles to the end of a post.

The importance of Usability

So far we have talked a lot about Usability, but to give it the importance it deserves within SEO, nothing better than dedicating the last section of this post to it!

It refers to the ease with which people can use a particular tool or any other human-made object in order to achieve a specific goal. Usability can also refer to the study of the principles behind the perceived effectiveness of an object.

Google evolves, and is able to know the ease of the user to find the content (is a little scary eh?). More and more, the usability of a website is taken into account as a quality mark.

A usable website is a Responsive website, that is, it adapts to any screen, but it is also a website that downloads quickly and through which the user can navigate at high speed.

A website that has an optimal dwell time compared to its competitors because it offers better content and a website where the user finds more than they are looking for and continues browsing, reducing the bounce rate.

But there are many other aspects that will improve the user experience on your website, such as the menu layout or the location of the main content or their location.

So do not forget this last section because it can bring you great benefits in Search Engine Optimization

SEO Off Page

Well, we have discussed the main aspects of SEO on Page, but it is not enough to have a well optimized website, also Google must know that you are relevant. That is why you must take into account other aspects, which depend on your reputation or even third parties, and which would be part of SEO Off Page.

To achieve this, what you must do is to get natural and quality links to different parts of your website. This can be of decisive importance for search engine positioning.;u=18465*/


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